Resistance training should be another crucial part of your healthy living exercise programme and one that too often is overlooked. The reason why? Whilst the benefits of eating more healthily and burning calories through cardio exercise are easy to understand, the way in which resistance training assists with healthy living are not always so obvious.
Resistance Training
Resistance training builds lean muscle mass, and it’s important to be clear here, we’re talking muscle mass, not muscle size, i.e. dense, lean muscle tone. So don’t panic we’re not talking about bulking up – unless that is your aim – it’s any exercise that causes the muscles to contract against a resistance.
This can be done using dumb bells, kettle bells, resistance bands or just using your own body weight as the resistance. The good news is that resistance training can be done either at home or outdoors. Over time resistance training will increase the mass of any given muscle. One of the added bonuses of building lean muscle mass is that muscle burns more calories than fat! Therefore, the more muscle we have the better our metabolic rate and thus the more calories we are burning 24 hours a day.
The conclusion therefore is simple, if you want to get healthier, yes improve your eating habits, yes do your cardio, but also make yourself a more efficient calorie burning machine by incorporating resistance training into your programme. My programmes have been designed to help you build muscle, eat healthy (without deprivation) and get that toned look. You’ll feel amazing in no time, so why not try it out today.